Blast Resistant Buildings
Engineering solutions for blast resistant buildings to provide a greater degree of protection to workers and equipment.

Resilient Blast Resistant Modules (BRM)
Blast Resistant Modules (BRM) are designed to shift if hit by a blast without sustaining major structural damage. Conventional buildings made of block, brick, or other materials will sustain major damage or be destroyed from the blast.
Engineering Innovative Blast Resistant Modules (BRM)
TWD provided engineering services for the development of new Blast Resistant Modules (BRM). These modules were meticulously designed to offer enhanced protection to both workers and equipment, ensuring a secure environment within high-risk areas. Our scope extended to the creation of innovative blast-resistant control rooms, change houses, and lunchrooms for process and utilities units. Key features of engineering included foundations, potable water, sanitary sewer line, room layout, fire protection, gas detection, card / badge readers, and relocating exiting hardwired control panels. The collaboration with the BRM manufacturer exemplified our coordinated approach, ensuring seamless integration of the designed modules into the overall project.
Celebrate innovation and unlock new possibilities with TWD.